Al (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) is everywhere. You call into a customer service support line and use natural language to have a bot send you in the right direction. You speak into your phone and have it instantly transcribe your speech into a text message. You talk to Siri, Alexa, or Cortana to check on the weather, see what's on the docket for the day, or even order some coffee using only your voice. AI gives the impression of having two extremes. It's either the voice activated VPAs (virtual personal assistants) for consumers or it's the incredibly advanced applications that you'll only find deep in secret data centers or military research facilities. But the fact of that matter is that artificial intelligence encompasses both of those extremes as well as everything in between. It's no longer a "this or that" conversation, but rather one that involves every facet of daily life, whether that be personal or business In fact, some of those business applications, although seemingly simple, are the ones that may make the most difference in the years to come. The focus for every organization is to be as efficient as possible while still providing a high quality customer experience and continuing to generate revenue. And with so many consumers getting comfortable with the idea of artificial intelligence, now is a fine time for companies to start infecting it into more product and service offerings. Whether it's a customer support chatbot or technology specifically designed to help with recruiting and other human resources-related tasks, Al can help streamline once complex systems into more auto- mated, user-friendly services.